Alberto Maria Colombo

A.i. multimedia artist & creative director

Vogue Italia

Manifesto Futurista

Is Artificial Intelligence something to be scared of? Or something to embrace? Is this new breed of machines a new competitor for the human soul? Or can it be a useful partner? With this project, Manifesto Futurista, created in 2020, our goal is to show to those who are still quite frightened by the idea of Ai that, if used correctly, it can become a wonderful tool to help the artist to create new and unprecedented imagery. We have taught to a computer the painting techniques of the Avant-Gardes, and let it transform our video into a living painting. The result is a mixture between the aesthetic rules of the master painters, and the free will of the Ai. Like a child who, for the first time, is trying to copy a picture that they liked. Will the Ai replace our ability to be creative? Absolutely not. Will it help us going further in an endless research of new styles and techniques? Absolutely yes. And it is extremely exciting!